Floors & More

Frequently Asked Questions

No required displays. No mandatory name change!

Floor to Ceiling is designed for current independent retailers in the flooring, kitchen & bath, and retail remodeling industry. For those who want to retain their independence, but enjoy the upsides of being a part of a national program, Floor to Ceiling is the group for you! Whether you just want to take advantage of our merchandising and rebates, want help with your website and digital marketing, or all of the above, we can customize the program to meet your needs. No need to change your name, change your displays, or paint your store teal. With Floor to Ceiling: you choose what you use.

For those who are only interested in one part of the Floor to Ceiling program there are two subprograms, one marketing and one merchandising. Helping retailers merchandise or market online as well as they do in their showrooms. The digital marketing program covers everything you need to be an effective retailer. Whichever program you choose, all Floor to Ceiling dealers earn a rebate on all purchases from our aligned vendors. With cutting edge digital tools, and Google Platinum partner support, we can help you be best in class digitally.

Big Bob’s Flooring Outlet is a franchise model that has evolved over 35 years. Our tested and proven model is turn key for those looking to expand their business. Emphasizing stock inventory, and value, Big Bob’s allows flooring retailers expansion without contamination. Working great as a central warehouse for your business, it is the perfect outlet to sell overstock inventory and promote large volume business. Where a Floor to Ceiling store might appeal to consumers looking for a design oriented experience, your Big Bob’s inventory outlet appeals to Trade Professionals, Builders, DIYers and those seeking effective and economical flooring. Big Bob’s Flooring Outlet is also ideal for someone with industry experience looking to open their first store!

How quickly can I get started?

The time to get started depends upon which program you elect to join.

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